How do I customize email subjects and messages?

You can use TrueChem variables to customize email messages and subjects. Using variables, you can define a generic subject and message by clicking the Message button next to the Send E-mail To combo box.

The following is an example of a custom message on a rule of a result item:

Example setup

[RST.NAME] was out of spec


Process: [GRP.NAME]
Tank: [OBJ.NAME]
Range: [RST.LSL] – [RST.USL] Opt: [RST.Opt]

Tested at: [DATE] [TIME]
Tested by: [USR.NAME]

Processed example

mL/L of H2SO4 was out of spec


Process: #01 Cleaner Process
Tank: #01 Cleaner Tank
mL/L of H2SO4 was 550
Range: 48 – 72 Opt: 60

Tested at: 05/14/2014 2:36 PM
Tested by: John Doe

This message and subject setup could be used on any result item. The subject and message would contain the values of of the selected result items from the attached rule. Click here for a list of TrueChem variables.

Posted in: TrueChem